Guestbook entries from Oct. 1996 onward -- the Apr.-Oct. 1996
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E N T R I E S :
Total: 244 entries:

Name: Francisco Alvarado M�rquez y familia
Website: none
Referred by: Search Engine
Time: Saturday 10/02/2004 4:36:09am
Comments: Hi Trini! Nos acordamos mucho de todos vosotros. Tu primo me ha ense�ado esta WEB y quiero saludarte y mandaros a todos un beso y un abrazo. Con cari�o, de tu t�o Paco y familia.

Name: Maria K
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: USA
Time: Friday 08/27/2004 1:55:48am
Comments: I love the movie "Stella" for her acting. I didn't know it received a poor review back then. I think she is a very talented actress and hope to see her more often in the future.
Name: Me Am Hulk
Website: none
Referred by: Search Engine
From: A few train stops shy of the T-Square.
Time: Saturday 08/14/2004 2:19:48pm
Comments: Ms. Alvarado, I salute you Trini. You have held your own opposite many of my favorite film talents: From Robin Johnson and Susan Sarandon to Michael Palin and Peter Jackson. It's a tough biz to survive in, but you've hung in there all these years. If only Hollywood would turn their attention away from the Britneys and Paris Hiltons of the world and give props to the REAL talent, then as Donald Fagen once phrased it: "What a Beautiful World This Would Be!" Much love and respect to you, fellow pavement-pounder. Pass the love on to Mr. Allan Moyle and "R.J." if you can.
Name: Pascual�n
Website: none
Referred by: Search Engine
From: Navalcarnero (Madrid)
Time: Thursday 06/17/2004 5:33:26am
Comments: Hola, jartibles de Trini, os quiero dic� que el apellido Alvarado procede de la localid� c�ntabra (Spain) de Secadura, cerca, niar, Santo�a. Po vale, po malegro. Trini, cohone, a v� si hase m� pelicula que no se te ve el pelo, shosho.
Name: Scott M. Miskowski
Website: none
Referred by: Search Engine
From: Groton/New London
Time: Thursday 06/03/2004 7:00:59pm
Comments: I have a lot of respect for Trini as an actress, and that is not because she is abolutely stunning (even though she is drop dead beautiful). My only question is why do I look twenty to thirty years older, when I am only 364 days older (12 Jan. 1966)?
Name: Candice Kayleen Woods
Website: none
Referred by: Friend
From: Arlington
Time: Thursday 04/08/2004 3:39:03am
Comments: Hello, my name is Candice and would like nothing more than to be an actress. Ever since I was just a lttle girl, about 4, I would always make up little movies and have my father tape-record them. I am 13 know and I really feel like I need to get the show on the road and do something about my career. I just started junior high school down in Arlington and started drama class. I feel so free and happy and all my worries go away when I'm acting. I love to film commercails at home and just have fun with the video camera. Someone who inspires me is my favorite actor Orlando Bloom. He is my idol because I believe he is a great actor. I look up to him in many different ways because he works hard in acting and everything he does. He will never give up when finding something difficult when it comes to acting. Thats how I want to be and thats how I feel it should be when in the acting business. So I hope you take this entry very seriously in consideration when looking for the right person. I dont believe this is just something fun to do. Its my dream!
Name: Bonnie
Website: none
Referred by: Search Engine
From: USA
Time: Monday 04/05/2004 11:09:25pm
Comments: I am a huge fan. I loved you in the movie Satisfaction!!!! I watch it over and over again! It is one of my favorite movies!!! Best of luck in the future!!!
Name: sam
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: India
Time: Tuesday 03/23/2004 7:07:55am
Comments: hey guys Trini is certainly the actress with the perfect face and radiating beauty . She is just terrific
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: wasington usa
Time: Tuesday 01/13/2004 3:03:00pm
Comments: Hi, My father is looking for some lost relatives from Jalos, Last name tostado, can you help, Most imigraded from Mexico to california but he lost contact with them, If you have any info drop me a line
Name: Richard Alvarado
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: Staten Island, New York
Time: Monday 03/01/2004 8:34:45pm
Comments: Trini,
My name is Richard and I was born in the Bronx in 1960. I have been searching for my biological father since the early 1990's. His name is Angel Manuel Alvarado and he was born in Coamo, Puerto Rico. I last saw him around 1967. If you are in any way related to him it would be a wonderful gift of life to know someone from his side of the family is out there for me. Please respond, be it a positive or negative reponse. . .It won't stop me from searching for him. I have been researching my family's roots using the website of ''Ancestry.Com''.
I hope to hear from you.
Repectively yours, Richard
Name: Raj Kumar Hazarika
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: UK London
Time: Wednesday 02/18/2004 9:15:02pm
Comments: Just discovered this site. Trinny is a very talented actress. She should also act more. Nothing more sad than such an underused talent. Times Square was a film l loved when l was young. Robin and Trinny made a great team. By the way does anyone know where Robin is or how to get in contact with her. She was greatest crush a 12 year old boy could have back in 1980! Long Live "Times Square" the coolist of the cool.
Name: Jc
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed In
Time: Wednesday 01/07/2004 0:32:01am
Comments: Trini would make an excellent Lois Lane in the new Superman movie with Jude Law. She should audition!
You don't think there's an age difference between them, especially for that film -- after all, The Frighteners was shot back in 1995... ED
Name: Torrey
Website: none
Referred by: Search Engine
From: San Diego, CA
Time: Monday 01/05/2004 3:03:24am
Comments: Watched "The Frighteners" on TV tonight because I was curious what Peter Jackson had done before LOTR. The movie was charming in a quirky sort of way, but what really impressed me was Trini - her performance and her presence on the screen. I grabbed a pen and wrote down her name when they rolled the credits - WHO is that woman? How can I have missed such an amazing and beautiful actress? Thanks for doing the Web site to help people know more about her. Now I will look for her other films, and I hope to see her in many more roles to come, as well - she is certainly deserving of it.
Name: fahte
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: Turkey
Time: Saturday 12/27/2003 6:03:11pm
Comments: I've watched the movie "The Frighteners" belatedly (actually few hours ago on TV) and while watching I became very curious about who was the lady star of this film. This means I've just been aware of the marvellous actress named Trini.
I was really mesmerized with her performance. Absolutely brilliant.. Congrats!..
Name: adi
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: toronto
Time: Thursday 12/18/2003 12:56:10am
Comments: i'm a huge fan of trini's- love her in little women (favorite movie).nice site and im glad to see someone put the effort into making a trini site and giving her some recognition. she truly deserves it!
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed In
Time: Wednesday 11/26/2003 9:48:07pm
Name: Yolanda Perez Robinson
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: Long Beach, California
Time: Wednesday 11/12/2003 10:31:00pm
Name: lisa pitts
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: seattle wa
Time: Friday 10/24/2003 3:02:05pm
Comments: I have been following Trini for many years. Her mother danced Flmenco with my Mother when she was 17 years old. My mother new her father as well, and they were both in my parents house many times. I have old videos of Sylvia dancing with my mother at parties, and some lovely photos. My mother's name is Juanita Deleon, married to Tito Gomes. she would love to know how Trini and her parents are. I too danced Flmenco in NYC for Ballet Hispanico. You go Trini!
Name: Trini Tracy
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: Utah
Time: Saturday 09/06/2003 1:51:02pm
Comments: Hi Trini, it is cool you share my name! Much wishes for success!
Name: Jon Miller
Website: www.sunnytech.com
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: teterboro
Time: Friday 08/22/2003 7:08:44am
Comments: Hey Trini! haven't seen you or RM for Eons!!!! How is all? does this compute? Whats new in the works? -Jon
Name: purushotham reddy
Website: planing to creat one very soon!
Referred by: Search Engine
Time: Friday 06/20/2003 1:00:54pm
Comments: Right from the moment i saw trini in Frighteners(watched it more than 15 times!) I was head over heels for her beauty and talent.I really feel sorry that a wonderfull actress like her is so underated .I wish her good success in comming future, and i guess she has one of the most beautifull eye's in the world."All the best trini,I love ya".
P.S:"You guys have done a great job.keep it up.Please update this site and if possible put some latest pics of trini and her upcomming films"
Name: Andrea Katrina
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: Q.C.Philippines
Time: Thursday 05/29/2003 11:21:11am
Comments: I've been watching Trini Alvarado since I was 8 yrs. old when i first watched her movie "Little Women", then followed by "Paulie" and then "The frighteners". She really did well in all those movies that's why i really love her a lot!
Trini Alvarado is one of the best actresses we have today! She is a very beautiful woman and a good performer as well! There is one word i can describe her--- GREAT!!! i admire her natural beauty and the way she acts in front of the camera, very simple but elegant! more power to you Trini,hope to see you soon in movies! You deserve the best! If you have time,dont bother writing to me in my email address! i'll be waiting for your reply!!! Muuwaahhhh! I'm your NO.1 FAN!!!
Name: Sandy
Website: none
Referred by: Search Engine
From: Japan
Time: Saturday 05/17/2003 12:27:53am
Comments: Hiya Trini, Nice to see you are still loved by so many people all over the world. You are one of a kind and very underrated. Hey,at least we know that ; >
Would you please forward this email to Robin Johnson. I have tryed everywhere,but it seems almost impossible to find her by myself. Now I don't know where else to look for. Please help me.
She is my big hero from my childhood and just want to let her know that she is still loved and not forgotten by so many of us.
I just want to write her a fan letter to let her know that she's still got lots of fans all over the world and they're dying to see her on the big screen again. Here as I 'm trying to write her from Japan,today's top female singer Courtney Love says
"I want to play the 1980 movie Times Square, with an actress named Robin Johnson. I swear to God I've never seen an actress like this. She's Mick Jagger plus Marilyn Monroe."
PLEASE !! Forward this and let Robin know we still love her and miss her very much.
Thank you very much, Pammy ! We love ya, Sleez Sister !
To Robin Johnson
Dear Dinosaur,
I know that you aren't all exterminated after all They can't wipe you out completely as long as we exist
Don't you think it's about time you came out of hibernation to save the spilits of the orphans?
Don't you know you are the Goddess of our time?
Why don't you sing to us again, Aggie Doone ?
We haven't forgot you and we miss you badly
Happy Birthday, Robin Johnson !
The most underrated performer ever lived
We still love you, Robin !
NOW, Get up, you "Damn Dog" !!
I hope this email will find you. Would you email me when you feel like it ? PLEASE ??
Take care now ; >
Lots of love***
[email protected]
PS... I watched "Times Square" here in Japan when it first came out in 1980 and you are my big hero from my childhood. Hey, I used to live in Brooklyn and LA too as a kid.
Always rememeber, No Sense Makes Sense, Sleez Sister !!
Love ya, Robin ; >
Name: roberta nester
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: radford virginia
Time: Tuesday 05/06/2003 10:32:23pm
Comments: i have enjoyed your work and hope you are happy in life
Name: Mark D
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: Albany, NY USA
Time: Monday 04/28/2003 5:45:47pm
Comments: Hi all! Just wondering if anybody had a copy of "DREAMS DON'T DIE," starring Trini and Ike Eisenmann. If you have a copy you could send me (even a poorly dubbed copy), please e-mail me at [email protected]
Thanks! Nice site. Mark
Name: streetsoldier
Website: none
Referred by: Search Engine
From: SE Missouri
Time: Wednesday 04/09/2003 1:55:13am
Comments: Trini Alvarado is certainly one of the most talented, and least recognized (in the business) actresses; I have followed her progress sporadically, from "Times Square" through "Paulie". She does not receive the acclaim and recognition she deserves, and I do hope this changes soon.
Name: jesse gonzalez(la yegua)
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: turlock,california
Time: Tuesday 04/08/2003 11:48:48pm
Comments: un gran saludo a toda mi gente de jalos,el carnaval 2003 estuvo muy bueno,espero ver a toda mi gente en mi querido jalos el proximo a~no si Dios quiere.att.su amigo jesse la yegua
Name: bartleo tyler
Website: none
Referred by: Friend
From: malaysia
Time: Friday 03/28/2003 11:07:50am
Comments: well,actually im just looking for tyler garcia posey e-mail adress and if someone have it please e-mail me as soon as posibble....hes a great young actors i ever seen,and hes the cutest boy i ever met on TV for all the time.
Name: kathy perry
Website: none
Referred by: Friend
From: richland hills,texas
Time: Friday 03/14/2003 2:28:34pm
Comments: i use to go to jalos all the time and i love it there and i would love to talk to some from there so if u would e-mail me kay thank you
Name: Arnold
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: Hayward, Califas
Time: Thursday 02/13/2003 8:00:54pm
Comments: Trini seems to have a lot of integrity in the roles she chooses. She doesn't work as much a some actors, but when she does she involves herself in quality projects. I always look forward to seeing her new work. Let's hope her best parts are yet to come.
Name: Chava
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: Hayward, Califas
Time: Thursday 01/16/2003 3:39:38pm
Comments: Un saludo a todos los de la Calzada.Y arriba Jalos compas.
Name: Rommel Humberto Perez Anaya
Website: Loq1
Referred by: Web Ring
From: San Diego Californica
Time: Monday 01/13/2003 9:58:42pm
Comments: Quiero mandar un gran saludo a todos los de Jalos que viven en California y nos vemos para el Carnaval 2003 escribanme
Name: *
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: NYC
Time: Friday 01/10/2003 11:50:57pm
Comments: To Trini ---- Happy Birthday and God Bless!
Name: Michael Martin
Website: Michael Martin's Homepage
Referred by: Search Engine
From: Houghton, Michigan
Time: Friday 01/10/2003 5:53:39pm
Comments: What a great site!! Thanks. I have watched _Little Women_ about 5 times in the past couple weeks!! What a great movie and Trini is both superb and stunningly attractive!
Name: Ruth Andre
Website: none
Referred by: Search Engine
From: USA
Time: Tuesday 01/07/2003 12:03:13am
Comments: Hi Trini, Just looking at my PCS yearbook and a newspaper article that I have of us when we were in 9th grade at PCS and it brought back really nice memories, ( shooting hoops at linch time, Mrs Herion, etc.) hope you still remember me !!! " proud student of professor Jason B Flootsnute".
Name: Dorian salas
Website: none
Referred by: Friend
From: phoenix az, usa
Time: Monday 12/23/2002 2:53:01pm
Name: Lori
Website: theDarklamb Official Website
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: usa
Time: Tuesday 11/26/2002 3:47:28pm
Comments: Great site!..."Times Square" is one of my all-time-fave punk/cult films. To answer the Grinding Halt question, I believe I heard it quickly being played in the part where the street guys are selling $1 sleez bags, or around the time before Nicky's concert.
Gotta check it out. Watching the film is looong overdue anyway... ED
It took a month ;^), but nope, I didn't hear any part of the song there... ED
Name: P.S.Sandhu
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: Delhi
Time: Sunday 11/10/2002 0:05:34am
Comments: Very nice! I really love it.
Name: Delmer Alvarado Mejia
Website: none
Referred by: Search Engine
From: La Lima,Cortes. Honduras Central America
Time: Saturday 10/12/2002 3:30:40pm
Comments: I like your record and you are a example to me.
Name: Farhan Ahmed
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: Pakistan
Time: Sunday 09/29/2002 4:37:35am
Comments: I saw 'The Frighteners' and in the whole movie i just saw her , she is just amazing so beautiful and inocent looking, blue eyes and black hairs a real beauty.
Name: Mihai Damian
Website: Oil paintings
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: Romania
Time: Friday 09/27/2002 6:26:30am
Comments: Beautiful actress. My wife painted scenes from Little Women, see http://anadamian.go.ro/ for more. Write back with comments.
Name: Deborah A bAlvarado-Soto
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: Ewing
Time: Friday 09/06/2002 12:44:10am
Comments: You are one of the best actresses that I have seen in a long time.
Name: Elaoin Sdretu
Website: none
Referred by: Search Engine
From: Li�ge (Belgium)
Time: Tuesday 08/27/2002 3:32:34pm
Comments: Very nice site ! Thanks for her and for fans.
Name: Willow
Website: none
Referred by: Search Engine
From: Korea
Time: Tuesday 08/20/2002 5:52:51am
Comments: Finally I found a TRINI website! I've always liked Andie Macdowell and I will like Trini forever.
Name: Joel A. Stein
Website: Music Art and Mathematics
Referred by: Search Engine
From: San Bernardino, CA
Time: Wednesday 08/07/2002 7:08:34am
Comments: Thanks for the great presentation. I saw Rich Kids on tv and was very curious about Trini Alvarado. You've created an interesting and substantial website.
Name: willie
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed In
Time: Wednesday 06/26/2002 2:11:02am
Comments: have been watching" the frightners"----just wanted to tell you what a beautiful woman and actress you've become.
Name: Marco Jimenez
Website: http://www.geocities.com/marco_antonio_jimenez/index.html
Referred by: Search Engine
From: San Jose, Costa Rica
Time: Monday 06/24/2002 1:10:04pm
Comments: Everybody must know about it. A great performer and a beautiful girl with beautiful eyes.
Name: Thomas
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: Paris - France
Time: Friday 05/17/2002 7:24:50pm
Comments: well, i just think Trini is a very natural, nice & talented actress let's hope she'll get larger roles in her next films also, i wish Trini will come to Paris someday, so i can finally meet her and tell her how much i appreciate her passionate acting and charming presence
Name: Grahame
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: Redwood City, CA
Time: Thursday 05/16/2002 10:14:27pm
Comments: Dear Trini: I wonder if, in real life, you own a green parrot? (Kidding.) I think you are an incredibly great actress (not kidding), and I must say also, that you radiate extraordinary inner and outer beauty. I wish you continued success for many years to come.
Name: B. alvarado
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: Rockland New york
Time: Sunday 05/12/2002 6:50:03pm
Comments: just thought that i would write to u because we have the same last name thanxs bye
Name: Ishtar
Website: none
Referred by: Search Engine
From: Mexico
Time: Monday 05/06/2002 11:32:30am
Comments: The most beautyful lady in all the world, I love you Trini!
Name: Ana
Website: none
Referred by: Search Engine
From: New York, NY
Time: Monday 04/29/2002 3:42:08pm
Comments: I had the pleasure of knowing Trini before she was the "Trini Alvarado" that we all know and love because we went to the same elementary school. She has grown into a beautifully talented woman, which is no surprise to any of us who knew her as a child. While over the years I have lost touch with her but never miss one of her movies. It is always thrilling to say "I knew her when". I would love to see her in something new or to just get an update on how she is doing. I will always remember her fondly!
Name: anonymous
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed In
Time: Friday 04/26/2002 6:37:39pm
Comments: I have met Trini at family gatherings, and I must say she is as sweet and beautiful as she appears on screen. She is very down to earth.
Name: Anne from Sydney
Website: none
Referred by: Search Engine
From: Australia
Time: Saturday 04/13/2002 2:19:25am
Comments: I first noticed Trini in American Friends, because she strongly resembles my cousin. I have seen her in other films since then, and think she is a terrific actress. I particularly liked her in the Frighteners, and I can't understand why it was not a success. Perhaps Peter Jackson's success with Lord of the Rings will lead people to reasses the film. I hope Trini gets the success and acclaim that she deserves.
Name: flora
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: korea
Time: Saturday 03/16/2002 10:54:25pm
Comments: I think "stella" was most beautiful movie.and trini is most beautiful women in the world. I'm looking forward to her next movie...
Name: Jim
Website: none
Referred by: Search Engine
From: Arizona
Time: Saturday 02/23/2002 3:25:42pm
Comments: Trini- (If you ever read this) You are fantastic! (and beautiful!) I've seen several of your films and I have always been impressed. However, I just saw Rich Kids on sattelite for the first time... And I must say that I am now simply enamoured!!! :) Can't wait to see you in your next project(s)!!!
Name: Anna
Website: none
Referred by: Search Engine
From: USA
Time: Thursday 02/21/2002 8:23:12am
Comments: Trini is a natural and gifted actress...so "un-Hollywood" and real. Too bad there are not more like her. She and Jeremy Levy (WHERE IS HE NOW???????) were so perfect together in "Rich Kids". Best wishes to you Trini!
Name: Juan Martin deLaCruz Padilla
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: Woodland ca.
Time: Saturday 02/09/2002 0:51:22am
Comments: I'm just interested in my home town people and possibly relatives that are are from Jalostotilan Jalisco. Mex
Name: tushar aryan
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: bangalore/india
Time: Saturday 01/19/2002 3:47:18am
Comments: I like trini 'coz she is gorgeous 'n gr8 actress. Coincidentally, my best friend has similar looks and i call her trini too........
Name: tracy
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: CT/USA
Time: Thursday 12/27/2001 6:27:10pm
Comments: great site. i think trini is an excellent actress. hope to see more of her work.
Name: Jaryd
Website: none
Referred by: Search Engine
From: Fresno,CA USA
Time: Thursday 12/27/2001 2:56:57am
Comments: I Love this site and wish there were more trini alvarado sites like it. [email protected] [email protected] and [email protected]
Name: Walter
Website: Page with ducks
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: usa
Time: Monday 12/24/2001 4:38:52pm
Comments: I just saw then end of 'Rich Kids' on satillite TV and it was neat.
Name: maria
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: ponferrada, Spain
Time: Friday 12/14/2001 1:54:21pm
Comments: I really like Trini, she's a great actress, I met her when I was her cousin's girlfriend and she's very friendly. Also she speaks Spanish very well, like English. I hope she will be very happy!
Name: cathy
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: chicago
Time: Saturday 12/08/2001 0:12:59am
Comments: Hi. My favorite work by Trini Alvarado is "Starstruck" - without a doubt. I remember when the afterschool special reran a second time on t.v. ( I didn't have a vcr then) I tried to tape the songs with my portable tape recorder. Luckily , I found a copy this video last year and I'm thrilled! Unfortunately, I couldn't find much more information on it ... such as: did Trini Alvarado really sing the songs and play guitar ( I think she did). Who wrote the music and what else did they do? If anyone knows, let me know.
Thanks! Cathy
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: USA
Time: Friday 11/30/2001 10:51:30pm
Name: Kevin
Website: www.europeantheater.com
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: Dallas, TX
Time: Saturday 10/20/2001 3:08:59am
Comments: Absolutely beautiful. :-)
Name: steve
Website: magical fun super robot happy hour site
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: pottstown, Pa
Time: Monday 09/24/2001 3:40:39pm
Comments: Hey wow, Trini is awesome i just wish we could see her in some new stuff that would be great!!
Name: Sonia Martinez
Website: none
Referred by: Search Engine
From: San Antonio, Tx
Time: Tuesday 09/18/2001 9:55:26pm
Comments: It's been a while since I've seen Trini in anything lately. I totally loved "Little Women" and "Satisfaction"! Trini, I respect your acting and can't wait to see you do more. You're one of my favorite actresses and wish you the best!! I love you!!!!
Name: Jake Tunes
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: The Philippines
Time: Friday 09/14/2001 2:59:16pm
Comments: I'm just daydreaming, but is Trini married? 'Just wondering...
Truly underrated. She's The Last Of The Mohicans, i.e., she's one of the dying breeds of decent Hollywood actresses who don't have to show skin to look beautiful.................... Truly, a lady........................ Here's to you, Trini.................
Respectfully yours, Jake
Name: Mr. Mark B. McLinn
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed In
From: Milford/Hillsborough
Time: Thursday 08/30/2001 10:38:20am
Comments: Miss Trini Alvarado, I thought that you did an exceptional job at playing the role of Miss Meg March, in the 1994 film "Little Women"! This version of the Louisa May Alcott novel is the best one that I have ever seen! I have actually been to the Orchard "Little Women" House in Concord, Massachusetts, it is a beautiful place to be in the Autumn time of the year! I am from California, but I now live in New Hampshire, I just wanted to say that I truly enjoy all of your work, good luck with your career, and with life in general, take care!*
Love, Mark!*
Name: Francisco Andr�s Gallardo
Website: none
Referred by: Search Engine
From: Jerez Espa�a
Time: Sunday 08/26/2001 3:16:09pm
Comments: Trini, soy Francisco Andr�s. Mi mujer ha tenido una ni�a, Cristina, y tiene ya su propia web. La direcci�n es: http://usuarios.tripod.es/cristinapto
As� la conoces. Escr�beme a [email protected].
Besos de toda la familia Alvarado
Name: The Alvarado Family
Website: Mama Lee
Referred by: Search Engine
From: Los Angeles, CA & Costa Rica
Time: Tuesday 06/26/2001 12:02:06am
Comments: Good to see the Alvarados in ShowBiz!!
Name: tito and ditta leksono, indonesia.
Website: none
Referred by: E-Mail
From: bandung, indonesia.
Time: Saturday 05/12/2001 9:44:05am
Comments: we are 6th. and 4 th. years old. we look you "FRIGHTENERS" and we love you.
Name: Dimitri
Website: none
Referred by: Search Engine
From: Somewhere near Russia
Time: Monday 03/26/2001 8:06:52pm
Comments: I've never seen someone more beautiful than you. You're like a very nice dream of an angel.
Name: franciscoandr�
Website: Trini, sus cohoneah�
Referred by: Search Engine
From: Jer�
Time: Monday 03/26/2001 10:47:44am
Comments: Trini, soy de Jer�, lo mej�n del mundo. If you are beautiful, you are guanderful. Viva Trini, sus cohoneah�, con un par. Viva Trini. Iiiii�n
Name: Erica Maldonado
Website: none
Referred by: Search Engine
From: indiana
Time: Thursday 03/08/2001 7:15:59pm
Comments: I was just looking through the stuff they have in jalos, and I happened to stop in. I would like to say that I have only visited a few times and I think the guys are really good looking there. When I go to Mexico on vacation I stay in San Miguel with my family, it's nice there too, but I think Jalos has my kind of guys.
Name: Roberto Alexandre
Website: gostaria
Referred by: Search Engine
From: Rio de janeiro, Brasil
Time: Friday 03/02/2001 11:50:56pm
Website: none
Referred by: Search Engine
Time: Thursday 02/22/2001 1:46:23pm
Comments: hey trini is quite a lovely lady. all that adorable can't possibly be expected to fit into only one girl.
Name:Micheal jones
Website: none
Referred by: Search Engine
From: Japan
Time: Sunday 02/11/2001 7:39:46pm
Comments: She is very beautiful!!!
I love trini~
Name: Fransiscoandr�
Website: excite
Referred by: Search Engine
Time: Wednesday 02/07/2001 2:33:54pm
Name: lilly
Website: none
Referred by: Friend
From: east oakland california
Time: Wednesday 02/07/2001 2:22:32pm
Comments: hey waz up well hi hit me up al rato orale pues levas
Website: none
Referred by: E-Mail
From: California
Time: Saturday 02/03/2001 5:09:05pm
Comments: hola escriban aqui jalos esta bien suave en FEBRERO Y mas que mi tio va ser el dueno de Jalos Toros este ano va estar Pablo Hermosa de Mendoza Y muchos mas esperen el nuevo ano con lo mejor de los toros 2001
Name: Ania Banzuela
Website: none
Referred by: Search Engine
From: Philippines
Time: Friday 01/26/2001 11:01:02pm
Comments: Trini Alvarado is one of those actress I like. New Yorkers who are not so inloved with Hollywood and Fame. She Is very beautiful in Paulie and The Frighteners. Way to go Trini!
Name: long time fan
Website: --
Referred by: Search Engine
From: nyc
Time: Saturday 01/13/2001 0:58:33am
Comments: hey, just wanted to say that i saw trini today and she's really friendly and sweet -- totally cool and normal. all i could think was, someone needs to utilize her talents and showcase her in an indie movie! calling stephen soderbergh!!! :-)

That's what I've been raging about all along!
She has not flexed her muscle in the genre yet (even with
The Frighteners) and dumped the H-wood niceties. Perhaps Abel Ferrara would be too radical a choice...? ;^D (Although the works starring the venerable "Indie-King and Queen", Harv Keitel and Lili Taylor have been totally uncompromised, ie. twisted, enough...)
Guy "Lock, Stock" Ritchie? Anyone?
Most importantly, I want to see her
for once in a nasty, b*tchy, evil role, g*d*mmit. Not that I'd hate to see her feature in a full-fledged comedy film either... "Blessed are the cheesemakers." ED

Name: warren fields
Website: none
Referred by: Search Engine
From: melbourne vic australia
Time: Wednesday 01/10/2001 8:08:49am
Comments: Hi trini. I see by this website that today the 10th of january is your birthday. I just wanted to say happy birthday and i know i would not be alone in saying i hope to see you in more movies. Bye for now.
Name: warren fields
Website: none
Referred by: Net Search
From: melbourne vic, australia
Time: 2000-12-17 04:36:37
Comments: Hi trini, have just seen the frighteners. Awesome movie. I borrowed the video from the local video store and because of your performance in the film, watched it 4 times. Not all at once of course, but over a week. I hope you continue to appear in more films in the future. Bye , from one of your newest fans.
Name: kumaran
Website: wonderful
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: india
Time: 2000-12-13 06:11:44
Name: Raj
Website: No
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Pakistan
Time: 2000-12-08 21:15:11
Comments: Hi
Name: Rose Smith
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: La Center, WA
Time: 2000-11-09 05:04:53
Comments: Very good actress, loved her in Little Women, saw her last week in the movie on TV
Name: Susanna Martinez
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Richmond, California
Time: 2000-11-02 01:30:54
Comments: Hey I just wanna say that its cool 2 see that people here are 4rm Jalos cuz that little town is the bomb. luv ya!!!!!!write back
Name: Anthony
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: England
Time: 2000-10-29 00:24:40
Comments: Have always loved Trini, ever since seeing my favorite movie, TIMES SQUARE. Seldom see anything about her, though, here in the U.K.
Name: Chee-hun Choi
Referred by: Net Search
From: Korea, Taegu
Time: 2000-10-21 16:10:52
Comments: Hi Ms.trini Alvarado I'm Chee hun, from korea. I'm in middle school and I'm 3rd grade 1 months later we have a exam I hope I get a good grades. trini, my E-mail is [email protected] Please leave me a E-mail I have to go, Bye P.S.: I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Name: Juan Carlos
Website: GROOVE
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Escondido
Time: 2000-10-18 17:38:58
Comments: Hello, I wanted to know who here was from Jalos, Jalisco. Thanks.
Name: chonchita
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: cuevas de arena oo sea jalitos
Time: 2000-10-07 11:17:10
Comments: hola que pasa con las otras pages que no las puedo bajar saludos a todos los de my jalos querido espero quen todo esyen vien ls quiiere una chonchita de tantas de jalos
Name: Jason Alvarado
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: San Antonio, TX.
Time: 2000-10-05 06:17:48
Comments: Hi, Trini! It is always good to see an actrees like you light up the screen. I had to do a double take at the credits on frightners when I saw your name. Wow an Alvarado in films. I know there are many Alvarado's out there, but do you ever wonder that some of us might be related some how? I do. Keep up the good work and I hope to see you soon in another film. Love ya.
Jason Alvarado
Name: eric manson
Website: none
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: shetland
Time: 2000-09-26 12:53:59
Comments: What is this anyway please e-mail me with some stuff

I can wonder the same.
I'm afraid there's no use to turn this g-book into an answer machine, as the chance for us "pedestrian" admirers of getting an e-mail from her may be quite non-existent... The one below, however, is a "real one" (you just have to take my word for it) and thus added in its purest essence.

Name: Nancy Ellis
Website: none
Referred by: Net Search
From: Bergenfield, New Jersey
Time: 2000-09-24 21:01:50
Comments: [Send me an email]
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: korea, taegu
Time: 2000-09-18 09:08:45
Comments: Hi trini I'm the only one who like you in Taegu, chilgok. I love you very much and you are very cute and beautiful. As you are not very famous in Korea, I can't get your information. Please E-mail me and give me a information of yours. My E-mail address is [email protected] Please E-mail me, OK? I LOVE YOU, TRINI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^^ BYE(^.^)/
Name: Choi Chee Hun
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Korea, Taegu
Time: 2000-09-10 10:31:01
Comments: Hi, Trini. It's me again. I'd like you to E-mail me. I love you the most, and since I'd know you everywoman doesn't look beautiful, because of you. Your the most beautiful woman in the world, and you are the prettiest.
i love you.i love you.i love you.i love you.i love you. I LOVE YOU, TRINI ALVARADO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please E-mail me, PLEASE!!!!!!!

Six. In a row. (Just that you don't have to count, as that's what you're asking now anyway.) Now, who'll go one better in the next message? ;^) ED

Name: Chee-Hun Choi
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Korea
Time: 2000-09-10 09:40:58
Comments: Hi, Trini. My name is Chee-Hun. I'm from Korea, and I'm your fan. My favorite actress is you and it was the movie 'Frightners' where I saw you first. And at first sight I fell in Love(?) with you ^.^
I love you and good luck on your next movie. I'll go to the movie's to see your next movie. I love you!!!!!!!!
Name: booker
Website: n/a
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: lost angeles
Time: 2000-09-08 01:28:46
Comments: 09-07-00 Dear Trini,
What up, I groove to your on screen presence with a passion. I found out you were a Cap. Sso is yours truly. I usually can sense a Capricorn presence. Ain't you the true shining celestial body. Keep threading the stars on film. But, why can't I print the poster art for "Times Square"?
A True Admierer, Best Wishes,
Name: John Gercken
Website: airfare international
Referred by: Net Search
From: Sydney, Australia
Time: 2000-08-20 15:17:04
Comments: Your work is very much admired here in Australia.
Name: Louisa Garcia
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Huntington Beach, CA
Time: 2000-08-18 23:56:24
Comments: Trini Alvarado is an extremely talented actress. I looked especially to find a site on her and I am so happy to have found it. My two favorite movies are Stella and The Perez Family. She is so beautiful! I hope she makes it BIG in the movies. I would love to see her in more films!
Name: booker adams
Website: none
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: lost angeles,CA (lovin' ya , Buddy )
Time: 2000-08-03 03:43:43
Comments: Dear Trini,
You put the sauce in the gravy that is the "filmworld". Plus, your are a drop dead gorgeous babe. I dig how much heart and soul you project onto the screens. Keep setting the celluloid on fire. My sweetest desire!!
With Much Admiration and Faith, Booker
Name: Barry Ames
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Pocatello, Idaho
Time: 2000-07-12 06:09:59
Name: Derek Rudnak
Website: none
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: AtlantA
Time: 2000-07-10 15:21:58
Comments: What a cool site...and considering how little can be found about all involved with "Times Square," it's a testament to how great the 'net is. Thanx from a big Alvarado and Johnson fan!
Name: Randy Ventresca
Website: none
Referred by: Net Search
From: Sarasota, Florida
Time: 2000-07-07 18:35:45
Comments: Trini is one of my favorite contemporary actresses. I just wish Hollywood would cast her in more projects. It's quite a shame they don't use her more because she is cute, has a great screen presence, and is one of the better actresses out there today. Well, Trini, you still have done some great work and you should be proud. I hope you breakthrough BIG someday, but I will always respect you no matter what.
Name: Markus Nickmann
Website: none
Referred by: Net Search
From: Germany
Time: 2000-06-21 12:10:45
Comments: Dear Ms. Alvarado! I would appreciate if you dropped me a line via E-Mail. [email protected].
Name: f reza f, again
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: indonesia
Time: 2000-05-23 07:36:09
Comments: yo, ED, y'should put that article from sun entertainment in this site, lotsa info you didn't mention it before anyway, thanks for this site. it's the only place with the so much info about her. and thanks for providing this guestbook (and the lucky guy is: Robert Edward McNeill, is it?)
Name: f reza f
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: indonesia
Time: 2000-05-22 07:02:35
Comments: she's so inspiring from every side. i'm a freak and it seems that she's just a total comple(e/i?)ment of me. the sad part is 'bout her carreer. but don't worry miss, you'll get your day. y'did great job there, just a matter of luck. she married? when? who? well i'm happy for you (and sad for me). well folks, don't make her as a 'base model' for your wife, cause there's only one of the kinda fine woman (i quote JUDGE's) sorry for mispelling, my language hierarchy is indonesian, java (since i'm javanese[joke]), and english
Name: dave tuazon
Website: the philippines' first fashion mall on line
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: philippines
Time: 2000-05-22 04:11:16
Comments: i'm a loyal fans of trini she's beautifull and a great actress hope she could e-mail on me. plz....trini at [email protected] i..... love.... u.....!!! bye!
Website: none
Referred by: Yahoo!
Time: 2000-05-22 04:05:04
Name: Kevin Breheny
Website: none
Referred by: AOL
From: Queens, NYC
Time: 2000-05-19 09:35:13
Comments: I grew up on the same street as Trini. Glad to see you've done well Trini!!!. Remember me? The red headed kid 3 houses down. I think I was responsible for chipping your tooth once. Sorry! Hoping all is well and hope to see you in something soon.
Kevin Breheny
Name: kirsty turner
Website: heather o'rourke
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: strood kent
Time: 2000-05-18 17:03:21
Comments: Trini is a brilliant actress and i loved her in the frighteners with micheal j.fox. She knows how to act.
Name: James
Website: none
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Toronto, Canada
Time: 2000-05-17 07:35:54
Comments: I too saw Times Square when I was young and impressionable and it is a direct result of that movie that I started drumming. Trini played a great role, especially considering her age. I wonder what ever happened to Robin Johnson? I did a search on her, and her credits end around '84 (E! only had 2 movies). Anyway, excellent site, and everyone lobby to get that soundtrack issued on CD!
Name: maryann
Website: excite
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: fitzgerald,ga
Time: 2000-04-28 13:40:51
Comments: i like your page. trini is a good actress.
Name: Johnny Ortiz
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Aranasa Pass,Texas
Time: 2000-04-25 05:18:25
Comments: I am looking for a copy of TIMES SQUARE? I can relate to your search for it. My sad story is I owned it before,but lost it :( Thanks for the information on it's release!!!!!!!I've waited this long I can wait another year.
Name: stephen hung
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-04-17 06:55:49
Name: Lauren
Website: none
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Texas
Time: 2000-03-24 21:29:08
Comments: Just the other day I saw the movie Stella and I fell in love with the performance Trini put on. I have seen other movies with her in the past and enjoyed them as well. I am glad there is some one out there who appreciates her work as much as I do.
Name: Dennis J Alvarado
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Latino Peace Officers Association
Time: 2000-03-22 10:25:46
Name: the Pharoah
Website: Under Construction
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: ChinaTown, Los Angeles
Time: 2000-03-03 02:48:16
Comments: I am planning a Fan-Page involving Trini and Several-Other Actors / Actresses , although I am having a Tough-Time locating Very-Much Personal/Biographical Information regarding Trini , Other-Than the Usual Filmography-Listings and That-Sort-of-Thing. are there Any-Other-Fans Out-There Who would like to exchange Information and Updates ? feel free to E-Mail Me !
the Pharoah
Name: Todd Kinsley
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Stillwater, OK / NYC
Time: 2000-02-25 08:09:35
Comments: If you like Trini, check out SATISFACTION (1988). A great, campy fun film, and she steals the show. She also does some really convincing-looking drumming!!
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-02-23 06:21:50
Name: geetee
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: philippines
Time: 2000-02-22 08:30:39
Comments: i think i'm in love with trini....can i have picture of you coz i can't sleep without a glimpse of you....
Name: Julio Miranda
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Connecticut
Time: 2000-02-16 07:47:51
Comments: I am putting together a scrapbook of Latin American Artist and someday hope to put them all on canvas.
Name: Martin Hemmingsson
Website: none
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Trelleborg, Sweden
Time: 2000-01-06 02:32:42
Comments: I�ve seen "The frighteners" two times, and I find it funny and entertaining. Now, I�ve seen many beautiful and sexy actresses, but Trini Alvarado beats them all, she�s so cute and gorgeous!!
Name: Jay Kane
Website: na
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Ol' Cal
Time: 2000-01-05 02:53:42
Comments: Hi there to whom it may concern. I thought I wrote in here like along time ago but I guess I didn't so i will now. I just wanna thank you for putting up a great site on a very lovely and talanted actress. I think Trini is so fine. thanks for the pics. A big time fan... JAY

You well may have written (if it was a loong time ago), as a large chunk of messages, including the deluge after The Frighteners' release ;^) was lost in the infamous Lpage server crash back in 1996... ED

Name: K-man
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Sweden
Time: 2000-01-03 18:50:25
Comments: I saw "The Frighteners" and became a fan.
Name: Johan
Website: Sailing Is Life
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Eskilstuna Sweden
Time: 2000-01-02 22:13:36
Comments: well this site is quite good. and she is a lovely actress. i have been a fan for the very long time of.... 2 hours :-) (9 pm CET-Central European Time) I saw the movie called frightners and i was lost in her beauty. I hope to see more movies of here.
Name: Donna
Website: Donna's Music & Webart
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Los Angeles
Time: 1999-12-19 16:47:18
Comments: I really enjoyed your website. Thanks for all the great info. You've got a cool site.
Website: none
Referred by: Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button
Time: 1999-12-14 18:03:03
Name: Michelle
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Bahamas
Time: 1999-12-15 03:58:47
Name: Nanci
Website: none
Referred by: AOL
Time: 1999-11-20 04:29:15
Name: Dennis
Website: none
Referred by: Net Search
From: Los Angeles
Time: 1999-11-05 04:49:57
Comments: I just saw Trini in The Frighteners and I was struck by her beauty. On top of that I can tell from her eyes what a sweet person she is, and I would love to be friends with her. Oh, well, maybe in the next lifetime.
Name: Vicky Croisant
Website: Vicky's Page!
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Michigan
Time: 1999-11-02 00:48:59
Comments: I'm a big fan of Trini's from "Little Women" and have been looking for other information about her. This is a great site to find such info!
Name: Mario Entienza Jr.
Website: bustagroovekidz
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: philippines
Time: 1999-09-29 13:38:16
Comments: Hello, Iam one of the great fans of Trini..please i want some pictures ofmy idol...plssss.. more power and thanx....
Name: steve byars
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: mississippi
Time: 1999-09-25 23:22:28
Comments: I loved the movie Times Square. Being a musician from that time frame, I related to the scene depicted in the movie. I have followed her career since then and looked foward to every new project. I just acted in my first movie, starring Al Pachino. Maybe I will have the chance to work with Trini one day.
Name: Lisa French
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Pawt. RI
Time: 1999-09-19 07:41:16
Name: Diego
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Milano, Italy
Time: 1999-09-11 15:49:06
Comments: I very appreciate this site on my favourite actress, Trini Alvarado. I' ve seen her in "The Babe", "The Frighteners", "American Blue Note", "Little Women", "Paulie". I like Trini in all this movies and think she 's a beautiful and magic actress.
Name: Tim
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: brooklyn ny
Time: 1999-09-07 06:54:39
Comments: i been following trini's carrer since she was in the movie "dreams dont die" one of my favorite movies. i was a graffiti artist in the 80s and the movie was filmed in my neiborhood. she needs to be recognised..
Name: David Kime
Website: none
Referred by: Yahoo!
Time: 1999-08-27 19:15:01
Comments: I just had to visit the Trini page upon learning that Liv Tyler is cast as Arwen in Lord of the Rings. That role was absolutely perfect for Trini!!! What was Peter Jackson thinking?

I guess that about his future at Hollywood: maybe after the disastrous experiment with The Frighteners, he felt he needed a true box-office "magnet" (don't know about the production though, and the others cast) to attract moviegoing people á la N. Portman in Star Wars I...? ED

Name: Francsico Lorite
Website: Saludos a Trini
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Barcelona (Spain)
Time: 1999-08-24 08:32:38
Comments: aunque parezco repetitivo Trini es y ser� la actriz con la sonrisa m�s sincera.
Saludos, Francisco Lorite
Name: Hideya Cosiesi
Website: none
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Sendai , JAPAN
Time: 1999-08-20 14:04:15
Comments: I was looking forward to the release of "PAULIE". To my regret,however,"PAULIE" was not released in Sendai-city.There are many Trini fans in Japan!!
Website: none
Referred by: Yahoo!
Time: 1999-08-02 20:06:47
Name: Juan Antonio De La Torre
Website: http://www.networkservices.net/private/john/
Referred by: Net Search
From: Pasadena, California, Usa, I Born In Mexicom My Parent from Jalostotitlan Mexico
Time: 1999-07-27 20:16:47
Comments: HI Trini,
I am watching you, You are very Good Actress, I Love your Movies called " The Frightners". You are very beautiful and very pretty your eye is blue. You are Puerto Rica
Thank You, Juan Antonio de La Toore
Email address: [email protected]
Name: Camille Christansen
Website: Echoes In The Mist
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Philippines
Time: 1999-07-15 15:57:44
Comments: This page is fantastic! It was a life saver since I needed to research on Trivi. She's a great actress all the same, research or no research. Keep it up!
Name: Doug Palmer
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: New York City
Time: 1999-06-29 02:20:53
Comments: I just saw Ms. Alvarado in Paulie... and she does have flowers in her hair! What a treat to find a site dedicated to her life and work. I wonder if she is still in NYC and might be in the live theatre some time? She would be an awesome stage presence, I'm sure. Que le vaya bien, Trini.... las calles de Nueva York le necesitan. D.
Name: Marika
Website: none
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Finland
Time: 1999-06-22 02:00:18
Comments: I think Trini is most beautiful woman in the world! She's so "warm" and cute... Be just You, Trini! :)
Name: Kevin Breheny
Website: none
Referred by: AOL
From: Queens, NY
Time: 1999-06-17 03:36:03
Comments: Hi,
I grew up on the same street as Trini. I was young. Don't remember much but do remember that she was always sweet. We moved away and I never saw here again but always saw her name pop up every now and then and smiled. Trini if you happen to read this, please contact me.
Kevin (The red-head 3 houses away!)
Name: Horacio Lopez
Website: none
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Mexico City
Time: 1999-05-30 01:57:27
Name: Denise
Website: none
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Mission, Tx.
Time: 1999-05-11 22:32:38
Comments: I think Trini has inspired all of us young latinos. She's a great actress and she has made it to the top! She's a wonderful person indeed!
Name: Caitlin
Website: none
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: usa
Time: 1999-04-04 01:39:34
Name: raven
Website: none
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: florida
Time: 1999-03-20 21:30:57
Name: Hallie Smith DiLiberto
Website: none
Referred by: Net Search
From: Staten Island, NY
Time: 1999-03-03 14:52:35
Comments: Thank you for your quick response to my question. I guess as curator of the Trini Tribute site you have seen the TV film in question--Starstruck. I think I may have come across that title on another website, but the description left me in doubt as to whether that was, indeed, the film. I am glad to see it's available on video, I'm going to try to find it. The story is okay, but those songs are great, as is Trini's performance of them. Thanks again.

I haven't seen the film(ette), but it seems to be available at least at the Videoflicks.
As for the name of the film, I think that another, Australian, film of the same name has confused the description on the site, but it should be now sorted out.

Name: Hallie Smith DiLiberto
Website: none
Referred by: Net Search
From: Staten Island, NY
Time: 1999-03-02 20:54:02
Comments: I am trying to find an ABC Afterschool Special that I strongly believe starred Trini Alvarado, but I have had no luck so far in tracking it down. Part of the problem is I don't know the name of it, but I remember much of the plot.
The young heroine wants to be a singer/songwriter, but her mother wants her to use her smarts to do business. The girl gets a job waitressing in a cafe where she occasionally gets the chance to perform her songs. She accompanies herself on guitar and sings at least two songs in the movie, one being "The Next Great American Hit" or something similar: "...You could write the great American hit/you could write the next great American hit/oh,yeah, I swear, somewhere, someone out there could be singin' it..."
She also gets an entry-level management or accounting position at the sewing factory where her mother is a seamstress. It was most likely aired in the very early 'eighties. Please help me!

Sounds like Starstruck. ED

Name: Peter A. Wilke
Website: none
Referred by: Net Search
From: Milwaukee, Wi.
Time: 1999-01-25 06:45:28
Comments: I would very much like to obtain a copy of "Times Square" and would appreciate any help from readers of this board as to where I could get one...you comment that you had a "long search" yourself to find the movie, and I have so far been unable to locate it.

Well, I'm afraid I can't help you on this as the tape was in (European) PAL TV standard, whereas in the US the standard is NTSC -- and the two are not compatible. I have no idea where an NTSC tape can be obtained. ED.

Name: Nelson Ramirez
Website: none
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Austin, Texas
Time: 1999-01-18 05:45:53
Name: Mark Vetter
Website: none
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Fayettville Arkansas
Time: 1999-01-17 04:11:05
Comments: Trini I don't now if you will read this but I just cried at the end of the movie you did called Paulie. In this world where so many sex drugs & everything else is protrayed on the movie screen, I find it refreshing to watch such a hertfelt movie. I hope you will consider doing more in this line. Because Trini when our bodies become food for the worms God will judge not on what we did for fame or fortune but what we did for that which is eternal.
May God touch you greatly, Mark S Vetter
Name: Garrett
Website: none
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Malaysia
Time: 1999-01-12 06:30:19
Comments: Trini is so naturally beautiful and gifted .Her smile....sigh!!! she is sexy and sweet at the same time,a real woman/child She stole my heart when I saw her in The Frightener.She's incredible!! I hope to see more of her soon.
Name: MissDEMISE
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1998-12-12 01:57:25
Comments: Trini---i don't think you'll read this but if you do, i have a recent picture of one of your long-ago costars,Robin Johnson. She looks quite different since Times Square. There's probably no way i'll communicate w/ you, but if there is any way i can send it to you, because i know that you're interested in seeing it....wb if you ever can!!!!
Name: Kevin Breheny
Website: none
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Queens, NYC
Time: 1998-12-08 08:24:15
Comments: Believe it or not Trini grew up on my street when I was a kid. We both moved away and lost touch. Every now and then I see her name pop up in a movie. Trini, glad to see you've made good choices. I still remember hanging out on your stoop. Be well!
Name: Joel Jessup
Website: none
Referred by: Yahoo!
Time: 1998-12-08 00:04:22
Comments: Trini Alvaredo has the looks and the talent, all she needs is more quality work like the Frighteners. If only someone like the Coen Brothers, Martin Scorsese or Quentin Tarantino would cast her. Use her guys... she's a goddess!
Name: Vicky Cain
Website: My Journey
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: MA
Time: 1998-12-01 16:51:30
Comments: Hey Trini, is there any way I can drop you a line? Just wondering.
Name: Barbara
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: NYC
Time: 1998-11-29 07:15:18
Comments: Trivia: Did you know that between acting gigs, Trini once demonstrated toys as Raggedy Ann at FAO Schwarz in New York City?
Name: Henrik Bro Jorgensen
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Denmark
Time: 1998-11-24 19:07:21
Comments: Just seen "The Frighteners" for the 3rd time on video (letterboxed, naturally). It's one of the few new movies today, that hold up to repeated viewing. - Before, I didn't really know about Trini, but I sure do now. Boy, am I a fan ! . She's an amazing, wonderful and beautiful actress, TOTALLY convincing and on the spot in everything she does. -Something sadly missing in many actors today, I find. Saw "Satisfaction" and "Stella" years ago, and now again. "The Christmas Tree", another gem. Oscar awaits ! .
Name: jraphael
Website: none
Referred by: Net Search
From: Yuma, AZ
Time: 1998-11-22 21:37:03
Comments: I just happen to see the movie "Paulie", and I just had to see the credits to find out the name of the beatiful girl at the end of the movie. hey ! I'm in love, I think she is a very good looking woman and I will to love to see more of her in the near future.
Name: Michael Carey
Website: none
Referred by: Net Search
From: Melbourne, Australia
Time: 1998-11-18 06:07:41
Comments: I am a huge fan of Trini's. When The Frighteners was at the theatre, I saw it six times. I now have my own copy. Not only did Trini give a convincing performance but she also gave us an angelic character to the film. If anybody who reads this would care to chat about Trini please e-mail me
Name: Jennifer Alvarado
Website: none
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Texas
Time: 1998-11-13 15:22:58
Comments: I just think it's neat we have the same last name. There must be a lot of "Alvarado's" I know there is alot from my family. Hey do you think we are related? That would be neat: HuH!
Name: Richard Pagan
Website: none
Referred by: Lycos
From: New york
Time: 1998-11-13 06:09:59
Name: MissDEMISE
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1998-11-06 22:27:41
Comments: I think that she is a wonderful actress--my favorite since I saw her in Times Square when I was 12. Since then I have tried to see most things that she has been in. She may not be in the magazines or do dozens of interviews but she is very well-respected in this business, and it is hard to gain that. I wish her much success in the future. TRINI----if you happen to read this--I think that Times Square was great and you were great in it too!
Name: Lynn
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: NC
Time: 1998-10-28 03:43:02
Comments: Great web-site! Trini, if you read this, you were wonderful in Little Women--my all time favorite movie! Hope to see you in more productions in the future. If you ever e-mail people on here, I'd love to chat with you! ([email protected]) God bless you! Lynn
Name: Lori from MD again
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1998-10-27 00:18:40
Comments: I wrote an earlier email about "Yours, Anne", the musical version of "The Diary of Anne Frank" that Trini starred in off-Broadway in 1985. The cast album is out-of-print & hard to find, put out by TER. Maybe they'll issue it soon on cd. Trini sounds lovely on it. The script & score are available from the Rogers & Hammerstein Organization in NY, NY, for anyone who's interested in mounting the musical. They handle the royalties. I have seen Trini in "The Babe", which nobody else has mentioned in this guestbook! She plays Babe Ruth's 1st wife. Trini, if you ever access this website & guestbook, you really do excellent work & I wish you'd get more roles!
Name: Misty Manning
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1998-09-30 18:57:54
Comments: I just realized that I am the only one in the guestbook. I dont understand it. Anyways, one thing that I forgot to say last time (keep in mind this is only important to me, I have no clue why I'm telling anyone), when I was in the 7th grade, I used to watch nothing but 'Satisfaction'. When I found a stray dog, I named it 'billy-nikki-mooch'. I know, I know, weird name. Im 21 now, and evertime I think of that dog I smile. Every time I see a Trini movie I smile too. :-)
Name: Misty Manning
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: bay area, california
Time: 1998-09-30 18:49:37
Comments: I'm just poppin in to say I think Trini is very talented, I'm a big fan, and keep up the good work!! Have a wonderful day!!
Name: Fabio B
Website: none
Referred by: Geocities
From: italy
Time: 1998-09-26 15:55:08
Name: John
Referred by: Net Search
From: Sunderland UK
Time: 1998-08-17 00:11:36
Comments: Trini is the sexiest, nicest, most tallented movie star i have ever had the pleasure to see on TV over here in England. If Trini herself ever reads this, please email me, although i doubt you will see this??? oh well good luck in the future
P.S Best role in Frighteners and the rich kid was a cool film too
Name: mel ong
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Philippines
Time: 1998-08-04 07:40:41
Name: Jason Mesa
Website: none
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Florida, Port St. Lucie
Time: 1998-07-31 02:20:26
Comments: Hello my name is Jason and I am thinking about being a Professional actor. So I would really appreciate anything you can tell me.
Name: Anita Susac
Website: none
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Sydney,Australia
Time: 1998-07-25 05:08:45
Comments: I love the film "Times Square".I have always remembered Trini from this great film all those years ago...I also really loved Robin Johnson from this film.Does anybody know where I can find any info on Robin,as I can't seem to find any...Please e-mail me if you can help.I was very happy to come across this web site,as someone like Trini deserves to have at least one web site!God bless you Trini-and I make sure I watch every single film you're in!...:)
Name: dro
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Atlanta
Time: 1998-07-07 20:23:33
Comments: My last name is Alvarado too, I was just wondering if perhaps Trini and I are related.
Name: Melissa
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Malaysia
Time: 1998-06-28 00:56:23
Comments: Hi! I just watched The Frigtheners a few weeks ago and that's when I caught site of the talented,versatile not to mention beautiful actress' name.It was Trini Alvarado.Which was quite a surprise.You know I actually first saw her in Little women starring alongside Wynona Ryder (who was the main reason I watched the movie in the first place,another talented beauty) and truthfully, she( Trini) gravitated the audience. I'm not exaggerating when I say that I was very much convinced she was European.She looked either English,British or French.My,my, and when I found out she was ______ Alvarado,and that was that! Her accent in The Frighteners wasn't a put on. It was her accent in Little Wowen that was.The question which keeps running in my mind is Why isn't she more recognized.Well,why not? I think she's talented enough and ver humble too, despite all she's got,looks,talent,the right personality,attitude and all that she has as a person.She's a good package.All i'm saying is she's a good person,very well balanced and she deserves more than what she's got in her career as an actress.Trini, just hang on in there,I'm sure they'll spot you when the time comes and when they do you'll be a big,big star.I'd also like Trini to know that she should keep on acting for you'll have a lot of faithful,loyal,sincere fans always even when you age into an old lady for it's the talent you have and you as a person that really makes you who you are.So, Trini stay the way you are for we love you just that way.For the person who's in charge of all this,please,pleae keep this page running for I can't find Trini anywhere else.I'll check out all of Trini's movie past,present,future.
Name: Mariq Haqmim bin Marzuki
Website: My Love For Trini
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
Time: 1998-06-21 06:45:26
Name: Gillian
Website: The Galaxy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: NY
Time: 1998-06-20 18:55:13
Comments: Cool page, Ive liked Trini (as an actress) since little women
Name: Melyssa
Website: none
Referred by: Net Search
From: California, (The Bay Area)
Time: 1998-05-31 03:11:47
Comments: I'm a Bette Midler fan, so of course I own a copy of Stella. It's one of my favorite movies, and Trini is just fabulous in it. I do hope for her to have much success. Keep this page alive...I can't find Trini anywhere else. Great job!
Name: Ken
Website: Love that Hewitt
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Walla Walla, Washington
Time: 1998-05-03 01:15:55
Comments: Great Page, Lots of Great Information, I'll be back soon!
Name: Bill Courtney
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Dallas, TX
Time: 1998-04-07 19:46:34
Comments: Loved her since RICH KIDS and remember her from seeing TIMES SQUARE in the theatre! Even put up with THE FRIGHTENERS just to see her again. Thanks for all you've given us, Trini. Look me up if you're ever single again!
Name: P. G. Blume
Website: none
Referred by: Net Search
From: Washington DC
Time: 1998-04-07 06:09:49
Comments: I have admired the talent, grace and beauty of Trini Alvarado since her After School Special days. I have seen most of her work since then and have often wondered why she isn't "bigger" and more well known than she is. (A short glance at "Little Women" will show who should have been the star, or considered the star of that film!) Anyway Trini, thanks for all the acting, singing and entertainment you've given us and thanks for putting up with all the fan mail I sent when I was a lonely kid who somehow identified with you and your characters. Please keep on acting forever and we pray you'll get more recognition soon!!
Name: Albert Su
Website: Albert's Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Earth
Time: 1998-03-29 08:12:41
Comments: Not a bad Page of Trini. Keep up the good work!
Name: tammy tillinghast
Website: Not Just the Guy From Gunsmoke!: A Matt Dillon Website
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: washington state, usa
Time: 1998-03-03 16:14:52
Comments: She was great in Little Women. Unfortunately, I have yet to see her in anything else! Your page is wonderful and very informative! Come to mine and sign the guestbook, thanks.
Name: Dennis And B�nan.
Website: Trini Hot Sex...
Referred by: Net Search
From: Sweden.
Time: 1998-02-10 22:06:07
Comments: Trini!! When we saw "the Frighterners" we realized that we wanted to spend the rest of our lifes with you.... WE LOVE YOU TRINI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /Amiga-Dennis and B�nan UgheKnark.
Name: Allen Elvin
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Edinburgh, Scotland
Time: 1998-02-02 19:47:49
Comments: Ah, the beautiful doe-eyed one sends shivers down my spine and may she do so for years to come !!
Name: John
Website: Erasure Archive
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Davis
Time: 1998-01-07 07:55:40
Comments: Only now realized after looking at the filmography that I have been a fan for more than a year or so. Great page!
Name: Mike Worthington
Website: none
Referred by: Net Search
From: Knoxville, TN
Time: 1998-01-02 05:28:33
Comments: What a babe!! Prettiest woman in the movies.
Name: Ian Edwards
Website: Trini Sourcing Network ltd.
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Trinidad & Tobago(and still here)
Time: 1997-12-07 14:33:00
Comments: Congrats and all the best
Name: Eniko Juhasz
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Pecs,Hungary
Time: 1997-11-25 15:44:00
Comments: Trini Alvarado very good actress
Name: Binky
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: NYC
Time: 1997-11-13 05:34:00
Comments: No sense makes sense!
Name: ralph
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: San Francisco
Time: 1997-11-12 10:36:00
Comments: hi
Name: Julie
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: New York
Time: 1997-10-21 08:41:00
Comments: Trini should be a movie star by now. She's gorgeous and talented. I think the problem is her pathetic agency, J. Michael Bloom. They don't know how to groom stars. So Trini will get jobs once in a while, but no one will know who she is. Many actors have experienced this with them until they were smart enough to move on. TRINI! MOVE ON!

You really have a point there. I totally agree... ED.
(Although J.M. Bloom's does have stars as its clients, they have somehow totally blown it with Trini during all these years. A shame...)

Post Scriptum 2000: Seems like Julie indeed hit the nail on the head on this one: the agency is now defunct, due to... wait for it... no less than actor guild fund embezzlement and bounced client payment checks. D*mn shame. Hopefully Trini can now gain (even) something more as satisfying work experiences under another agency.
SAG press announcement. ED.

Name: Antony
Website: Duh...
Referred by: Net Search
From: Australia. We is awful dumb here
Time: 1997-09-19 03:46:00
Comments: Ahh Trini, the belle of a thousand dreams. Is she not the most beautiful actress on the face of the planet? When will her talent and beauty finally be recognised?
Name: Patrick Chatelle
Website: None...I use it for a test page.
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Houston, TX
Time: 1997-08-24 16:20:00
Name: Gustavo
Website: none
Referred by: Net Search
From: S�o Paulo - Brazil
Time: 1997-08-22 15:38:00
Comments: Hello Everyone. I've known Trini Alvarado only in her last movie, "The Frighteners" and I liked too much. I wish many luck for her.
Name: Naphtali de los Reyes
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Philippines
Time: 1997-08-20 10:56:00
Comments: It's great to find Trini on the Net. She's very beautiful and I'm sure she will be a star.
Name: Luna
Website: Just a random page of idiocy
Referred by: Net Search
From: Maryland
Time: 1997-07-25 09:56:00
Comments: Well! I was utterly surprised to find this page devoted to Trini Alvarado. Ever since seeing her in Times Square [my all time favourite film] I have tried to view everything she appears in. I actually saw Little Women because of HER, not the other purported "stars" of this film! Keep up the awesome work and thanks for sharing such a great page about a great actress with the rest of us.
Name: Scott
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Atlanta
Time: 1997-06-17 10:44:00
Name: Andy Pierce
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Atlanta
Time: 1997-05-09 08:18:00
Comments: I saw Times Square in 1980 and was utterly transfixed by Trini Alvarado. She simply controlled the screen. Times Square was a favorite film in my adolescence and I hunted for many years trying to locate a video rental copy. Perhaps fans of Ms. Alvarado should be grateful that she does not enjoy the visibility of many of her more lauded (though, in may cases, less talented) contemporaries. All the better to appreciate her skills beyond the show biz hype. Still, that a Parker Posey can enjoy relative success while Ms. Alvarado remains largely an enthusiaste's property is something of a mystery (if not a crime!).
Name: Bellerive, Martin
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Montreal, Canada
Time: 1997-05-01 23:05:00
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-04-24 11:13:00
Name: Conchi Carretero ALVARADO
Website: none
Referred by: Net Search
From: Jerez, Spain
Time: 1997-04-20 12:06:00
Website: haven,t got one
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: australia
Time: 1997-04-19 23:36:00
Comments: i first saw trini in times square,a movie which revolutionised my thirteen year old existence.eleven years later i still love it and trini ,an actress of talent and integrity.she should be a huge star.
Name: Lori
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: suburban Md, outside Washington, DC
Time: 1997-04-18 12:40:00
Comments: I'm one of the few people with the cast album of "Yours, Anne" featuring Trini. She has a lovely, emotional voice as Anne Frank and many of the songs are wonderful. I have no idea who owns the royalties or how i can get the script. It would be great if someone would stage this little-known gem...
Name: Eric Manson
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Sweden
Time: 1997-04-14 07:25:00
Name: James McCloskey
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: madison ct.
Time: 1997-04-07 09:07:00
Comments: Trini, you were terrific in all your movies, but my favorite was The Frighteners.I noticed that on one of the Andrew Dice Clay albums that I have he thanks his wife Trini. Since your both famous celebraties I was wondering if that was you. Your a terrific actress and very beautiful. Keep up the great work.
Sincerely, James McCloskey
Name: Sat Naiknavare (Trendy) <--- Cool eh !
Website: none
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: India ---> Currently in Pittsburg, KS, USA.
Time: 1997-04-05 21:16:00
Comments: Trini, I just saw your movie, 'Frightners'. It was enough for me to get convinced about your looks & abilities. You rank in the top 5 list of my favorite females list, as the most gorgeous and very talented people.
Name: Tim Kohn
Website: It really doesn't make any sense.
Referred by: Net Search
From: Seattle, WA USA
Time: 1997-03-22 02:31:00
Comments: Trini Alvarado completely stole the show in "Frighteners." Aside from her performance and presence the movie was crap. I will deffinitely see her other films now as well as keeping an eye on her career. She is certainly going places and I can't wait to see her in other, better quality films.
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-03-17 00:12:00
Comments: Trini Alvarado is definately a rising star she is very beautiful and full of potential !!!
Name: jEN
Website: AIN'T GOT ONE
Referred by: Net Search
Time: 1997-03-16 01:00:00
Name: Dorcas Garcia
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Jersey City, NJ
Time: 1997-03-13 15:40:00
Comments: I think she is a terrific actress and I admire you a great deal. The two movies I have seen her in where Stella and Little Women. My sister thinks you remind her of me, but it can't be! You look beautiful and I hope to see you in future movies. Keep up the good work!
Name: Emma Bell
Website: Sorry! Idon't have one!
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Wellington, New Zealand
Time: 1997-03-06 00:00:00
Comments: I have seen The Frightners twice and Little Women twice and I loved them both. Trini is really great because she is such an original person and she is not so well known thet everything is know about her (I hope people know what I mean!). She is both georgeous and intelligent. Now that I have seen her homepage I will have to see all her movies. Which ones are good? Tell me if you have any recommendations. I'm renting Satisfaction this weekend.
See ya soon- fellow Trini lovers!!
Name: Brendan A. Golden
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Chicago, IL.
Time: 1997-02-23 18:05:00
Comments: I have just seen "Frighteners" for the third time and I would have to say it is one of the best films I've seen.
Name: Alex Lee
Website: none
Referred by: Net Search
From: Toronto,Canada
Time: 1997-02-23 00:49:00
Website: none
Referred by: From Geocities
Time: 1997-02-22 16:56:00
Name: Suzana
Website: Don't have one
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Singapore
Time: 1997-02-18 23:42:00
Comments: I just love Trini...i thought i saw her in other movies..well i did but it was in frightenerd which she pulled me to her side. She is simply gorgeous..and also with a blazing romance with Michael J.fox, in the frighteners. I want to see more of her in the movies..she is simply great..a good actress..a good singer..and simply gorgeous.I am from singapore...and i really adores her.Thanks for this Homepage, i simply love it.
LOve Trini forever. Love Suzana
Name: Paul from Psycho Serious (quite a name, eh?)
Website: Coming soon...
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Boston,MA
Time: 1997-02-09 02:04:00
Comments: I was smitten within a minute of seeing Trini and found myself thinking, 'I wonder if she's married?'. Your work is Wonderful! Thank you for the inspiration! Best wishes for the future!
Love, your ol'pal Paul.(you know,visitor # 11,692,023.7):)
Name: Sal Lopez
Website: *
Referred by: Net Search
From: East L.A.
Time: 1997-02-02 01:58:00
Comments: I just saw "The Frighteners" on video with my cousin Carlos tonight. We both thought it was a great movie and we enjoyed it tremendously. Afterwards, my cousin noted that an actress named Trini Alvarado had played the role of Lucy. Not being aware that we had seen a Hispanic in the movie, I replied that he was crazy! The actress that played the role of Lucy didn't look anything like a Hispanic; she looked more Irish than anything. So, we reviewed the end credits and saw that Trini Alvarado had indeed played the part of Lucy!
Now, we both agreed that Ms. Alvarado possesses a stunning beauty, and that it's almost impossible to keep one's eyes off of her during the movie. She gives a genuine and heartfelt performance. And the only explanation that the character of Lucy is so charming in her mannerisms and expressions is because Ms. Alvarado is simply just drawing on her own personality to flesh out her role!
Since I was truly impressed and touched by Ms. Alvarado's performance, I was led to the internet to find out more about her, and I am so glad that this website is here! Thank you for all the great info on her life and career! I plan to use all this info to good use, and I look forward to seeing Ms. Alvarado in her past, and future, movies as well!
Believe me, I am thrilled when I see a great performance by an actor, regardless of their race or gender, or age... because that end result is the reward for years of toiling and learning the actor's craft. But being a Hispanic myself, of Mexican-American heritage, I hope no one will begrudge me a feeling of pride, of orgullo, when I say I am happy knowing that such a wonderful and enchanting actress as Trini Alvarado is Hispanic...
I wouldn't have believed it; I mean, I didn't believe it; but it's true! The conclusion is: TRINI ALVARADO IS AWESOME!
Name: Melyssa L. Manzano
Website: none
Referred by: Net Search
From: Martinez, Ca. (Bay Area):)
Time: 1997-01-31 19:21:00
Comments: I have seen Little Women and Trini is great in it. But I'm a Bette Midler fan and so one of my favorite movies is Stella. Trini was just marvelous in that. She fit the part perfectly, I don't think anyone would have played the role of Jenny-Girl better than ms. Alvarado. She is a great actress and I hope to see her in more movies, and possible in a music video if she persues her singing career.
Website: http://www.stephen.coxatgsa.gov
Referred by: Net Search
From: maryland
Time: 1997-01-31 12:19:00
Name: Bestisred
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: The Lone Star State, U.S.A
Time: 1997-01-27 21:07:49
Comments: I just saw her in the Frightners, and knew I have seen her some where. I went looking & found out she was in a movie that I watched over & over in my Teens. The movie Times Square!! I loved that movie & now I know where else to catch her.
Name: Michael Ghali
Website: null
Referred by: Net Search
From: Sydney Australia
Time: 1997-01-25 04:40:30
Comments: In Little Women she displayed real class. She seems to be one of the few real Ladies working in this industry!
Name: MIke Evans
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-01-17 23:37:00
Comments: Whatever!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Name: abby klaassen
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: marion,iowa
Time: 1997-01-11 18:50:00
Comments: Trini Alvarado is an awesome actress she is my role model
Name: Brett Bossard
Website: The Not Ready For Prime Rib Players
Referred by: Net Search
From: Hornell, NY
Time: 1997-01-05 23:18:00
Comments: After seeing Trini in "The Frighteners", and debating with someone else about wether or not she also appeared in "Little Women", I decided to search the web for her, knowing full well that there must be SOMEONE else out there that noticed her tremendous talent. You didn't let me down. For once, I think frames are a useful addition to the lay-out. Keep it up, and I'll keep coming back.
Name: Gwen MacNeill
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Columbia,SC
Time: 1997-01-05 16:04:00
Comments: I really enjoyed looking at this web page and I'm going to come back here oftern to see what is new with this page. I think that Trini was really good in Little Women. That is the only movie that I saw her in and I really thought she was terrific. Thanks again for this web site.
Name: Ryan Barry
Website: none
Referred by: Net Search
From: B.C., Canada
Time: 1997-01-02 16:03:00
Comments: I met Trini on the set of Little Women while shooting on Vancouver Island. It was an exciting time for me - it was the first major film I had worked on. She seemed to share the same excitement. I thought she was honest and kind, and a very genuine person. What amazed me was how fresh her performance remained take after take. She's good natured and I think her a great actress. I was disappointed that much of the attention was thrown at Winona Ryder and Susan Sarandon (both I respect greatly though). I beleive Trini deserved more recognition. I was suprised to find this website. Didn't think anyone had really taken notice of her perfomance. Thanks for appreciating her - she really deserves it.
Name: Tracey Price
Website: Don't have one!
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Hartsdale, NY
Time: 1997-01-02 07:03:00
Comments: I first saw Trini in Times Square and thought she had something special. From Dreams don't Die to Sweet Lorraine, she has never disappointed. I hope she does more singing in the future; the voice is great!
Name: Eduard van Herp
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Christchurch, New Zealand
Time: 1996-12-26 02:49:00
Comments: Just saw "The Frighteners" and thought it was great! Trini steals the show. Hope to see more of her in future films.
Name: Mike Farmer
Website: Mike Farmer's Homepage
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Arlington, VA USA
Time: 1996-12-23 10:59:00
Comments: Just saw "Christmas Tree" last night, and "Little Women" a few weeks ago. I'm only recently becoming familiar w/ Trini. Beautiful woman, fine actress. thanks for the wonderful and nicely laid out page.
Name: Jeremy Lutter
Website: Peak Productions Film and Multi-media
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Canada (the Amiga lab)
Time: 1996-12-17 00:34:00
Comments: I'm very much interested in film, just thought I would say "hi" :) Check out my site.... if you have time
Name: Leslie Healy
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Caro Michigan
Time: 1996-12-11 09:33:00
Comments: I feel Trini is an excellent actress and I would like to see more movies with her in them.
Name: Erick Sasse
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Sao Paulo - BRASIL
Time: 1996-11-29 03:06:00
Comments: I Love Trini! Is she married? :)
Name: Rowena McCallum
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Ballarat, Australia
Time: 1996-11-25 19:36:00
Comments: Trini's a fine actress, and I believe she bears resemblance to the world's most beautiful woman -- Andie MacDowell. That's a definite plus!
Name: Milton G.Price
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: El Salvador
Time: 1996-11-25 14:07:00
Comments: I love her
Name: Lorin Jay Cowell
Website: don't have my own
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: live in Brooklyn. Grew up in the Berkshires
Time: 1996-11-21 02:20:00
Comments: I first spoke to Ms. Alvarado in 1981 and she seemed quite amazed that I even knew who she was. Some years after, in 1995, I had the opportunity to speak to her again. She actually remembered me from the short conversation we'd had before! This, along with her talent, beauty and some very special, inexpressible quality she exudes, is quite singular.
Name : Lisa Moore
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Postpect Pakk PA
Time: 1996-11-19 13:17:00
Comments: Your are cool! Your going to be a big star one day!
Name: Tiana Newell
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: oxnard, california
Time: 1996-10-24 09:37:00
Comments: loved the movie little women. well i gotta go because i am at school. gooo-bye
Name: Nicholas Knutsen
Website: none
Referred by: Net Search
From: Oslo, Norway
Time: 1996-10-20 06:48:00
Comments: Well... I'm a big Trini fan and I collect all her movies. So far I've only got about half of them, but I'm getting there...
End of data.

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