ID# 237.1
- 4 November 2002
Note from the webmaster:
Sorry, I lost the original query message, but I remember that it
was about the amount of feet to a storey (story in US English) ie.
the height of a building floor.
ID# 237.2 (reply to #237.1) - 4 November 2002
The height of a floor varies somewhat, depending on the free
height of the interior, the height of the installation space
below and/or above the floor slab and the thickness of the floor
structure. Although usually the floor heights (from ceiling to
ceiling) in the (modern) residential spaces are lower than in the
commercial ones, examples like the old, landmarked apartment houses
with their 9-foot free ceiling heights obviously don't follow the
pattern. The conversion of the Gulf & Western
Building to the Trump International Hotel & Tower saw the increase
of floors from 45 (for offices) to 52 as the condo and hotel floors
required less vertical space. A typical office floor might take approx.
10 feet (3 meters) with the installations on the ceiling and the slab,
whereas a residential floor might measure a foot less at 2.7 m.
The retail spaces -- and especially the lobbies -- in the lower floors
of the towers are, of course, a different story altogether, measuring
anything from 10 to 30 feet (9 meters)... ED
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4 November 2002