New York has always been the king city.
Chicago(afflicted with napoleon syndrome) has always been trying to nip at NYC's
heels. But it seems lately that chicago has been packing all kinds of scrapers
into its' skyline, while NY has been pretty stagnant. Whats going on? and why
hasnt NYC taken the "world's tallest" crown back yet?
I think the wonderfulness of NYC is not due to the existence of world's tallest building, but is the huge number and style of the scrapers. Hundreds of high-rises can give a more 'powerful' feeling than one or two super-tall buildings. Thus, I don't feel strange that NYC doesn't need to rush for the race.
Remember, taller is not necessarily better. Look at a picture of the New York skyline of 1935-1960, then look at a picture of it today. Today's skyline may be taller, but it is not better. Give me the Chrysler Building over the Petronas Towers any day!
Remember, Frank, the Chrystler Building and the Empire State Building were in copetition for worlds tallest, until the mooring mast was placed on top of the Empire State Building.
I think this "tallest" business has gone a bit silly at best, with the whole
Petronas-Sears controversy, and the race in the far east for the 2000 + feet
Sometimes I fantasize someone finally built the mythical "mile high" project
by Frank Lloyd Wright to put the thing to rest, and concentrate on beautiful
skyscrapers again; like an early century or deco revival of sorts.
Yeah, sure!